As an Instructional Designer and Course Developer, I possess hands-on expertise and fluency with SCORM, AICC and rapid eLearning authoring tools such as Articulate Studio & Storyline, Adobe Captivate and Trivantis Lectora. I am also fluent and possess expertise with Virtual Classroom technologies such as Saba Centra, Blackboard, WebEx, Adobe Connect, Microsoft Lync and others. Additionally, I utilize mobile / online social networking tools such as Yammer, Google Apps, Facebook and many others for collaborative Social Learning purposes. I possess nearly two decades of hands-on expertise and fluency with both Adobe Creative Suite and Adobe Video Production Suite. I am fluent with a multitude of web-based curriculum development tools.
My experience has also provided me hands-on fluency and expertise with state-of-the-art, cutting edge, global Learning Management Systems (LMS) and HRIS systems that serve as the backbone for Virtual Universities and Learning Portals such as SABA, SumTotal, Moodle, Plateau, Cornerstone, Success Factors and others.
These fluencies and abilities allow me to liaison seamlessly between business, technical, research & development, manufacturing, sales & marketing, HR, IT and creative teams, for my specialty is speaking each group’s language.
However, along with the knowledge of how these different disciplines can be integrated together to create state-of- the-art, cutting edge, global learning and development programs - I also understand the big picture that underlies it all: global Learning and Development programs serve as tools for the development of a corporation’s workforce and must do so compellingly and innovatively with functionality and clarity, while enhancing the competence and confidence of all employees. And I understand how to do that effectively by managing project scope and goals within budgetary and time constraints.
PROJECT: Design and develop six courses - broken up into 25 ten-minute-long e-learning modules covering Precision Drilling's Code of Business Conduct. What follows are four Modules from the course.
PROJECT: Design and develop courses featuring multiple e-learning modules covering a variety of technical concepts for Chevron's Wheatstone LNG refinery on the western coast of Australia. What follows are example modules from these courses.
PROJECT: Design and develop courses featuring multiple e-learning modules covering a variety of technical concepts for Apache Corporation. What follows is an example module.
PROJECT: Design and develop courses featuring multiple e-learning modules covering a variety of technical concepts for ConocoPhillips. What follows is a Flash presentation of these courses.